The Lord bless you from Zion, and may you see the prosperity of Jerusalem all the days of your life.

Psalm 128: 5

There seem to be a lot of days when thoughts about all that needs to get done and everything that is still outstanding on my list of important activities gets in the way of actually getting to where I need to be during my day. Additionally, I struggle with keeping that target in view, or maybe, I have a problem with identifying the true target; either way, I can expend a lot of energy and still not be able to lay my head on the pillow that night with a sense of satisfied accomplishment.

Yet there exists a perspective on my life that is clear and that will lead me to expend my energy and to focus the passions of my heart in the right direction, for the Lord views me, my life, and the details of it from His vantage point and with His clarity of vision. Additionally, God is neither distant nor uninvolved; He wants to share His vision for my life with me, and He desires for me to experience the joyous blessings that living each day in the center of His will brings. For God has a mission, a purpose, and a plan for each of the days of my life, and these have very little to do with the lists of important activities that I typically create.

Therefore, I need to set aside my calendar and put down the post-it note pad that I use to write out my lists of important things to accomplish; then, I need to seek God’s face by reading His word and through conversation with Him. As I listen to God speak to me, His clear vision for what matters and for how to get it all done becomes apparent; also, the Lord opens my eyes so that I can see the beauty, the riches, and the glory that He has filled my life with. When God creates the to do list, the burden of accomplishing it is truly light, and the day ends with joyous anticipation of tomorrow.  
