They were astonished beyond measure, saying, “He has done all things well. He even makes the deaf hear and the mute speak.”

Mark 7: 37


Jesus is astonishing! He goes after our hearts, minds and souls in a way that is above and beyond all that is done by people, agencies, governments, or even an angry debt collector. He enters into our lives at the place where we are without regard to its comfort or desperation, and Christ accepts everyone who will turn to Him. The Lord does not distinguish between faith and unbelief or by race, gender or nationality. Christ does not need the rule of law to bring about equality, for equal and just treatment is a part of His essential nature.


At this point in Mark’s narrative Jesus has traveled to an area known as Decapolis, which is east of the borders of Israel, mostly in today’s Jordan. The people and the culture here were mainly Greek with Roman influences. These were not the traditional people of God. They were different in most of the ways that we use to distinguish cultures and groups of people. Christ is expressing His desire to seek all of the lost regardless of situation, circumstances or location. Jesus speaks the truth of the gospel and people are healed. He touches their brokenness and they are made whole. He brings hearing to the deaf and provides a voice to those who have none.


This is what Christ is still doing today. He sees no distinction between the people of this world. We are all equally lost and desperate in our sinfulness with out God; so, Jesus brings God to us, and as we accept Him, He comes into our flesh. Thus, as the Spirit of Christ enters into us we are transformed into new beings who can hear God’s word and who have the voice of righteousness, truth, justice, and love. Christ also makes us into people whose hearts are opened to the pained cries of others who are in need, emotional, physical and spiritual. Christ calls us out of ourselves and into His love and care for the world around us, and this care for and understanding of others is truly astonishing.