Let the word of Christ richly dwell in you, with all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with thankfulness in your hearts to God.

Colossians 3: 16


God dislikes separation and distance more than almost anything; He seeks after everyone and He keeps calling to us all even long after we have covered our ears with our hands, locked our hearts away in a steel vault, and given our allegiance to others. So, when we have listened to the call of eternal love and acceptance and come to God, is it any surprise that the Lord would continue to seek an ever more intimate and involved relationship with us?


Therefore, God gave us His word, and He provides His Spirit to guide us into an increasingly deep and comprehensive understanding of it. Still, it is up to each of us to decide to open ourselves up to the deep truths of the Lord, for I have found that the more I seek wisdom, truth, and understanding, the more of them I will gain, and when I apply the understanding that God has given me to the way that I live, His peace and joy fill my soul with a song that can not be suppressed.


We are not called to live each day as if we were actors in a musical play where all of our lines are delivered in song; yet, God wants us to be so closely connected to His love, grace, and mercy that our hearts are continually filled with thankfulness and our words and actions are those of someone whose view of life is framed from an eternal perspective. So, as the Spirit of Christ fills the heart with the peace and joy of His Word and that comes out of His presence, it is not at all surprising to consider that we would express it all by way of singing out in praise to our Lord and Savior.